A fresh approach to learning for K-12 from an unyielding biblical worldview
“As a parent of graduated students who have attended many years of homeschool, some years of private Christian school and years of public school, I can say Rooted is a beautiful blend of all of the above. We recently toured and shadowed and we’re highly impressed. It felt like homeschool in that it was small, ages were mixed in wonderful ways, every child valued for their uniqueness, taught at their own level by talented teachers and pastors. It can be a wonderful addition to your homeschool plans.“ – Current Parent
Our Values
Unyielding Biblical Worldview
Unlike a rising number of professing Christians, we will not compromise here.
Going alone is not always the best approach. As such, we champion parnterships with parents and churches toward educating students.
Educational Mastery
No one likes busy work. We meet students where they are academically and enable them for their next successful achievement.
Having the right tools is essential in any endaeavor. We seek to provide resources for a lifetime of legitimate Christian influence.
Belief in one’s abilities may not always equal the challenge. Therefore, we provide opportunities for abilities to be discovered and honed.
Holding to an unyielding biblical wordlview is not popular. In spite of this, we will instill strength and confidence.
Rooted’s Approach
We are proud to offer the opportunity for a shortened school week without compromising instruction or educational depth
Experience and passion are key components of our staff
Our staff has decades of combined educational experience and when combined with a passionate approach to challenging students the results are impactful.
Percentage of Americans who self-identify as Christians
Percentage of Americans who have a biblical worldview
Percentage of Americans 18-29 who have a biblical worldview
Percentage of time we have left to take action against this
Jeremiah 17:7-8
“Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD,
whose trust is the LORD.
He is like a tree planted by water,
that sends out its roots by the stream,
and does not fear when heat comes,
for its leaves remain green,
and is not anxious in the year of drought,
for it does not cease to bear fruit.”
An unyielding biblical worldview
from start to finish…period.
✓ Personal approach
✓ Dedicated team
Frequently Asked Questions
We offer a K-12 educational experience based on established curriculum within a solid framework of an unyielding biblical worldview.
How much does it cost?
The cost of tuition varies based on your choice of the 3 or 5 day programming.
What is the process for scheduling a visit?
Call our office or fill out a form on our website.
How does Rooted handle payment?
We offer a variety of payment options, including traditional methods as well as electronic.
Q: What should I bring to my visit?
We recommend for a full day visit that your student bring a lunch.
21860 Pontiac Trail, South Lyon, MI 48178
855.766.8334 (855.Rooted4)
Non-Discrimination Statement
RCA admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities available at the school.