Return to School

The students opportunity to come back from boredom into a new semester of adventures in learning.

LF – SL Public Safety

We will have the opportunity to meet several members of the South Lyon Public Safety Community including visits to both the Police and Fire Departments.

No School

For those involved in Rooted’s 5 day program, there is no school today.

FT – Bowling

Who says school has to be boring? We will be going to Pins Bowling Alley in South Lyon to establish who is the best at bowling.


Valentine Party

Who can pass up the chance to fill out cards and share chocolate with everyone else at school?

No School

For those involved in Rooted’s 5 day program, there is no school today.

LF – Mission Church

We have partnered with Mission Church in New Hudson in the past, and will continue to help serve them as they seek to intentionally take the gospel to their community,