Mrs. Mavin resides in Howell, Michigan. She has been married to her husband Kris since 1992 and they have known each other since 1st grade. She has been a preschool teacher, assistant principal and Head of School for over two decades. She and her husband have one biological daughter, and just days before she was born, Mrs. Mavin was diagnosed with cancer and was given two weeks to live. We praise God for nearly three decades of healing. She has had four skin cancers and breast cancer since then, as a result of her radiation treatments, but God is good!
The Mavin’s have adopted and fostered since her first cancer and their other children (boys), who are all adopted, are now grown. Of their sons, all but two were adopted as teens, and two have special needs. They also have a son-in-law, a daughter-in-law, and nine grandchildren. Her hobbies include crafting, party planning and
binge watching or listening to true crime shows.
She is pursuing her Doctoral degree in Education in Organizational Leadership with an emphasis in Special Education from Grand Canyon University. She has two Masters degrees, one in Human Services Counseling with a focus on Crisis Response and Trauma from Liberty University, and the other Masters is in Educational Administration from Clarks Summit University. Her Bachelors degree is from William Tyndale College in Christian Education. Her Associates Degree is also from William Tyndale in Early Childhood Development. She enjoys being a lifelong learner.